J: 他們在啃甘蔗嗎?
B: 不,他們在啃蕃薯!!這是張頗富趣味的影像。
這張影像,不管他們在啃甘蔗還是蕃薯,你的第一眼image(印象)是甚麼? 這是Jeff Alexander在泰國拍攝的黑白照片,給我的震撼遠比彩色照片多的多!彩色對於我,是種美麗炫麗的一種觀感;但是黑白影像的表現,卻多了種隱藏在影像中的時間引子,引領著我到過去的時光。
如果你有興趣看看Jeff Alexander的作品,可以到下面連結看看。 Jeff Alexander's 作品
Jeff Alexander's Website
Jeff 是個曾經一人到中美洲、加勒比海、柬埔寨、泰國、甚至穿越過歐洲,其中更包括80年代末期獨自花了五個月的時間,騎著單車探索法國。我想Jeff能夠在紀實、人文方面的題材有如此出色的創作,跟他個人到處旅行、體驗人生有很大的關係。親身體驗各種文化,或許是一位出色的攝影師必須選修的一門必修課。
Jeff Alexander對於他自己是這樣介紹的:
A native of Connecticut, Jeff Alexander moved to Philadephia in 2000, after living in Seattle during in 1990s. He attended New York University and graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where he majored in political science. With no formal trainning, Alexander has purchased photography as a pastime since 1985 when he received a Pentax K1000 as a high school graduation gift.
A public relations executive with experince on both coasts, Alexander took a hiatus from the professional world in 1999 to focus on family, friends, travel and photography. He purchased his first medium format camera, packed up his car and lived out of a suitcase for months.
In addition to making images of his every day surroundings, Alexander has photographed his travels in the States, the Caribbean, Central America, Cambodia, Thailand and througout Eurpoe, including a five-month solo bicycle tour of France in the late Eighties.
B: 不,他們在啃蕃薯!!這是張頗富趣味的影像。
這張影像,不管他們在啃甘蔗還是蕃薯,你的第一眼image(印象)是甚麼? 這是Jeff Alexander在泰國拍攝的黑白照片,給我的震撼遠比彩色照片多的多!彩色對於我,是種美麗炫麗的一種觀感;但是黑白影像的表現,卻多了種隱藏在影像中的時間引子,引領著我到過去的時光。
如果你有興趣看看Jeff Alexander的作品,可以到下面連結看看。 Jeff Alexander's 作品
Jeff Alexander's Website
Jeff 是個曾經一人到中美洲、加勒比海、柬埔寨、泰國、甚至穿越過歐洲,其中更包括80年代末期獨自花了五個月的時間,騎著單車探索法國。我想Jeff能夠在紀實、人文方面的題材有如此出色的創作,跟他個人到處旅行、體驗人生有很大的關係。親身體驗各種文化,或許是一位出色的攝影師必須選修的一門必修課。
Jeff Alexander對於他自己是這樣介紹的:
A native of Connecticut, Jeff Alexander moved to Philadephia in 2000, after living in Seattle during in 1990s. He attended New York University and graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where he majored in political science. With no formal trainning, Alexander has purchased photography as a pastime since 1985 when he received a Pentax K1000 as a high school graduation gift.
A public relations executive with experince on both coasts, Alexander took a hiatus from the professional world in 1999 to focus on family, friends, travel and photography. He purchased his first medium format camera, packed up his car and lived out of a suitcase for months.
In addition to making images of his every day surroundings, Alexander has photographed his travels in the States, the Caribbean, Central America, Cambodia, Thailand and througout Eurpoe, including a five-month solo bicycle tour of France in the late Eighties.